I saved this picture for quite a while in my computer and now I cannot remember if it is from TheSartorialist or from Facehunter, but I bet from one of them... Sorry!! :)
is not just another pretty face doing some of the Burberry campains... He is actually going to be Boy George in the upcoming BBC drama "Worried About the Boy"!! I can only say that I cannot wait to see this!
Checking at my blackberry photos I found this curious picture of this amazing sofa!
I remember being drunk and coming back from a night out with my friends, walking down Stoke Newington road trying to find a nice place to have a before bed burger... The first thing I thought was: what the hell!? and my thoughts now are: who the hell will buy something this tacky!? haha hope you enjoy it as much as I did. :)
Not very happy about what's going on at the moment with the icelandic volcano, eventhough it seems much more under control... I must admit that these photos are amazing! and I could see someone like Christopher Kane or ACNE making a collection of t-shirs around this idea? We'll see...